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Leeds United will conduct a medical on Djed Spence

Djed Spence inches closer to leaving Tottenham as the right-back is set to undergo a medical with Leeds United ahead of his loan move.

VIDEO: Djed Spence returns to Tottenham following his loan spell at Leeds 🔙
Sky Sports News

According to Fabrizio Romano, Djed Spence appears pencilled in for his medicals at Leeds United ahead of the proposed loan move. The £20 million Tottenham man will leave the north Londoners on a temporary deal with no buy option included in the agreement.

Djed Spence may have to reestablish his career after a wasted year at Tottenham since making a £20 million move from Middlesbrough. The signing of the right-back came under scrutiny when former Spurs boss Antonio Conte publicly criticised the club for bringing the 23-year-old.

There were questions on why Tottenham signed Spence from Middlesbrough and paid for what they did. In the Premier League, the right-back featured in four games but totalled only three minutes of action. He then jetted off to France to join Rennes on loan.

Over in Ligue 1, he did not manage to set the world alight, and while he became a semi-regular, the prospects of a departure from Tottenham loomed large. Spurs put him on their transfer list very early in the summer, and to no one’s surprise, Spence has yet to garner much interest.

Djed Spence, ready to travel today to Leeds in order to undergo medical as new #LUFC player on loan 🚨🟡🔵

Tottenham set to receive £1m loan fee. No buy option clause included. pic.twitter.com/XesKwOzUfU

— Fabrizio Romano (@FabrizioRomano) August 29, 2023

Leeds United enquired recently, and they would like the £20 million Tottenham man to join them for the current season. Spence’s experience in the Championship may prove vital in this choice, as he could revitalise his career in the second division.

Tottenham do not need him now, as Ange Postecoglou has Emerson Royal and Pedro Porro at his disposal. Spence is now set for his medical examination with Leeds United before finalising his loan move to Leeds United.

The club agreement does not include a buy option so Spence will return to Tottenham next summer. Spurs will hope he has a good season and rediscovers some of his previous form in the Championship.

Tottenham are unlikely to head into the market for a replacement, as they will have far fewer games, considering there’s no European football for them. They hope the current crop of players remain injury-free and steer the club towards their objective of finishing in the top four.


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